Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Real Housewives or Real Life?

Ok, I admit it, I'm totally addicted to anything Real Housewives.  Try as I might, I cannot resist these shows.  Perhaps it's a life I wish I had or perhaps it's a life that I have foresaken for something more simple.  Either way BRAVO has found the hook and I ate it!!

It all started with the Orange County gals and their glamorous tans and perfect (tranny) make-up and those SKYE tops with the bejeweled medallion in the center of their cleavage that did it for me.  But I LOVE them in all their dysfunctional glory.  I mean I live in the Midwest, although I'm not sure why Michigan is considered the Midwest, it seems to defy definition geographically.  One day I feel like being the country farmer housewife and doing everything myself and making everything from scratch (seriously, even laundry soap, which by-the-way works waaaay better than store bought) and the next day I'm daydreaming of being a big city slicker sophisticate.  I like to think that I can juggle both, but maybe not.  I mean, really, have you seen my photos?  I'm just daydreaming here.  I think I'm more of a candidate for "WHAT NOT TO WEAR".

The Atlanta gals, the New York gals, the New Jersey gals, they all hold a special fascination for me and if I can't watch their shows live I'm definitely DVR'ing them.  Sadly, I've even got my 16 year old hooked on them.  I guess it's better than her watching Jersey Shores or some of those other shows aimed at kids her age.

Anyway, we know that I like the Real Housewife part, but what about real life?  Do any of these women represent "real life"?  Perhaps to them, but I still have to wonder how much is scripted and how much is "real".  I know I'm a middle class mom of four and stay at home all day with them.  I have nothing really going for me outside of the house.  My husband goes to work, sometimes he works out-of-state for months on end and I'm  pretty much a single mom.  I shop at garage and estate sales and they shop at high-end stores and hire decorators.  They buy SKYE tops at $100 plus each and I'm just hoping that the next garage sale I go to is a fat lady trying to get rid of some of her stuff and it will fit me.  I try to do things as elegantly as I can, I make sure to cook really healthy meals that require something other than chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese.  I try to plate their food up so it looks "restaurant" good, but I still feel lacking.

One thing I notice is that (most) of these women have supportive men behind them that allow them to be themselves and grow and pursue their dreams.  And I think that's the hook for me.  I've been home with my kids for almost 13 years now and have devoted myself to my kids and my husband for all (+) of those years.  I've put myself on hold to the extent that I weigh over 200 pounds and hardly bother putting make-up on anymore.  Sometimes I don't leave my "compound" for 2-3 days at a time.  I totally envy these women.  Not so much the drama, but the fact that they have the confidence to put themselves out there and demand that they matter too.  How do you achieve that without the support behind you?  I mean behind every good man is a good woman right?  How can I make that work in reverse with a man that has no clue that's what I need?  (despite the telling him repeatedly).  It's all about what I'm not doing or doing right or right enough.  When do my feelings and dreams matter?  Am I destined to be a mom and wife and nothing else forever?  How do I stand up and demand some thing for myself?

These shows have identified the dysfunction in my life and marriage, but how do I fix it?

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