Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Been A Looooong Time, Hello friends!!!

It's been a very long time since I posted last.  It was September sometime and I was admitting to being a Budget disaster.  Well, a lot of things have changed since then.  And for the Better!!!  I am extremely happy to admit.

We (I) finally got our budget under control and haven't bounced a check since September and am paying our bills and have even been able to save a (little) money.  My husband and I are getting along much better and I feel that we are operating in the range of normal.  I hate being normal, however, in this case, I'm ecstatic!!

I've taken a job at a BAC (big ass corporation) grocery store in my area and went from cashier to customer service and supervisor in months.  Whoever said that stay-at-home mom's have nothing to market after being home with kids for (13+) years?!  Take that baby!!  Mom's can do it all and have the cred to back it up!!!!

Life still has it's dramas but we're doing better and we're better able to cope with the struggles and complications that go with having four teenagers in the house.

I'm happy to also admit that I've lost 20 pounds since I first started this (blog) and feel much better about myself.  I still fall off the wagon and eat (and indulge in Wild Blue Beer) like there's no tomorrow, but for now I'm doing great and feel motivated to get back on track.  Now, if I can only motivate myself to workout that would be great, but after being on my feet for 8+ hours a day, I find I do not have a whole lot of energy left.  I do sleep like a log though!!!

So, ta-ta for now.  I'm home (mostly) for the next three days and will report some of my cooking adventures and tribulations of being home with the kids.

Thank God for work!!  I should have gone back to work years ago. . . . . . . . . .