Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's Been A While. . .

It's been a while for a lot of things; so here's a list of  "It's been a while since:"

1.  I've kept up with my blog.  (Not that it matters much, I'm not sure anyone is reading this anyway and I just started it)
2.  I've kept up with laundry.  (Never ending mountain!)
3.  My husband did (or said anything for that matter) nice towards me (perhaps I'll explain this one at a later date, I need to process things and see where it's all going, so sad)
4.  My kids respond when I ask them to do anything!
5.  Felt that I had enough money to do and have the things we need, (I'm always pinching pennies and most times robbing Peter to pay Paul until the next week)
6.  Really stuck to my diet (although I'm still losing weight, so go figure)
7.  Exercised!
8.  Felt like exercising!
9.  Went out to lunch with anyone
10.  Felt truly happy.

The list could go on and on.  I could fill it with sad, negative,  perhaps even some wistful things, but it really takes too much thought and energy to do that.  I think I could better use my time by focusing on the positive and counting my blessings.  Then maybe things won't seem so bleak and sad and hopeless.  

Yeah, my life sucks right now.  But I'm healthy, I've got wonderful kids (even if they don't like to do chores or homework), I live in a beautiful house, I love my dogs to death and it's the beginning of fall in Michigan, which is truly a beautiful time of year here.  So I think I will spend my time counting my blessings and reminding myself of all the good in my life (and the world) to carry me through the hard times.

Now. . . off the tackle Mt. Laundry!!  At least I don't have to go the laundromat.

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